About the founder, Katie Clift
My whole life I’ve been told I’m ‘counter-cultural’.
Bold, definitive, always pushing boundaries.
I’ve also approached PR this way my entire career, and it’s produced exceptional results. I’ve never understood non-committal proposals or smoke & mirrors ROI.
Great PR (fast, consistent and effective PR), is more than possible. I’ve worked with teams to deliver it time and time again for 20+ years across both public and private sectors. It works.
I founded maybe at its core to be counter-cultural PR. We’re moving the needle from an outdated, non-committal industry narrative of “maybe it’s possible, maybe we can do it…” to “let’s see what may be.”
An MBA scholar of Warwick Business School, I have worked internationally on both sides of communications – in the media (radio, TV & digital journalism) and as a PR, spokesperson, and corporate affairs executive for two decades.
I have more than 15 years of experience as a moderator and commentator, presenting sessions, interviews and press conferences globally, from the World Economic Forum in Davos to the Union for International Cancer Control’s World Cancer Congress and various in- person and online events.
In my 30s, I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, and after 18 months of active treatment, I returned to life and work more determined than ever to bring counter-cultural PR to the forefront, upscaling communications for organizations globally.